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Grupo Innovación

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"GRUPO INNOVACION DE DURANGO began as a dream that four brothers, a son, a cousin, and a great friend had in common. Never in their wildest imagination had they envisioned the amount of love that they would receive from their fans. Most of the members come from Francisco Javier Mina, Durango, Mexico. Only Gonzalo Andrade is from Chalchihuites, Zacatecas, Mexico. Technically , GRUPO INNOVACION began their career in 1989, although many would say that the talent and enthusiasm of this band comes from way back, since it is safe to say that all the members come from a family where music has always been present. Their first presentations were held in a small town named Booker, Texas, the beautiful people of this town gave them support and continue to do so, following them wherever they may go. Booker is the town where not only did the band give their first steps as professional musicians, but it is also where all of the members have their family, friends and most sincere fans. This wonderful band consists of seven main members not counting the other people that make this band possible, such as; the workers and light and sound engineers. Regardless of everything this humble and down-to-earth band doesn't forget where they come from and knows very well where they're going."


El Sueño Americano
El Sueño Americano


1 Si Volviera a Nacer El Sueño Americano
2 Alto Precio El Sueño Americano
3 Los Dos Patrias El Sueño Americano